Month: October 2021
Lesson Re-Learned
If you have read any of my books or short stories on travel, you know that Rita and I normally eschew the guided tours, preferring instead to discover and explore on our own and at our own pace. In fact, one of my recent posts was about the joy of finding someplace unexpected. It is not…
COVID-19 and Travel
Rita and I just returned from our trip to San Francisco, and we had a wonderful time. I wrote one article while we were still there, and I promise there are more to come. Today however, I want to take a moment to write something about the infectious elephant in the room, Covid-19. As I’ve mentioned…
The Simple Joys of Travel
For the past week we have been in San Francisco, California, enjoying the first real travel event since our trip to the Galápagos back in August of 2019. Sure, we took some driving trips here and there, but this was the first trip that involved air travel and was dedicated to just exploring someplace new. I’ll…