Category: Facebook

  • Time to Grow Up

    Time to Grow Up

    This is our second holiday season celebrated under the shadow of COVID-19, and I’ve been seeing some common themes pop up on social media revolving around family get-togethers between vaccinated and unvaccinated kinfolk. If you have browsed through Facebook or Twitter the last few weeks, you know what I mean. It seems there is always…

  • Hate and Anger on Facebook

    Hate and Anger on Facebook

    Phone the neighbors, wake the kids, it’s time for another Facebook Rant! Actually, this time it is more of a screed about Facebook users, and the larger issue of the increase in hate, anger, and general incivility over the past four or five years. I’ve always said, if you have nothing nice to say, say…

  • Divided We Fall

    Divided We Fall

    I was idly scrolling through FaceBook the other day when I saw a post with what struck me as an uniquely American brag. A young woman proudly stated that she had just spent about two hours in a Target store brazenly unmasked, and had not been asked to leave. She saw this as some kind…

  • Locked in Cages

    Locked in Cages

    I am an American. I was born in Annapolis Maryland, one of the oldest cities in the nation. I’ve lived and worked in her small towns, her big cities, and some of her beautiful rural lands. We own property in America, pay taxes, and are registered voters. I did tech support in the US Senate,…

  • What is the Shape of Water Anyway?

    What is the Shape of Water Anyway?

    I saw an interesting post on Facebook over the weekend. Someone asked if anyone had seen the movie “The Shape of Water” and liked it. OP apparently did not like it at all, and wanted anyone who did enjoy the movie to explain why they liked it. I almost commented – in fact, I did…

  • I Hope You Don’t Meme That!

    I Hope You Don’t Meme That!

    Phone the neighbors, wake the kids, it is time for another Facebook rant! Today’s topic: the misuse of memes as proof of the further dumbing down of America by Facebook. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few decades, you have run across memes on the Internet. Technically, a meme can be…

  • Facebook, Midwife of the Idiocracy

    Facebook, Midwife of the Idiocracy

    Facebook is good for a lot of things. You can stay in touch with friends and family around the world, you can share pictures and experiences, and you can find out about different places before you visit. Recently their “Safety Check” feature was very helpful in finding out how our friends were doing after the…