Category: Health
COVID-19 and Travel
Rita and I just returned from our trip to San Francisco, and we had a wonderful time. I wrote one article while we were still there, and I promise there are more to come. Today however, I want to take a moment to write something about the infectious elephant in the room, Covid-19. As I’ve mentioned…
Hoping to Travel Again
I have what’s called a Smart Folder setup in iPhoto that sorts photos by month from the previous thirteen years. The photos for whatever month we are currently in then displays as the screen saver on our living room TV. I know that makes me kind of geeky, but really it’s a nice trip down…
Delta and the Delta Variant
There’s no doubt that the biggest adjustment we have made to our lives in these Days of Wine and Covid has been cutting out air travel. We’ve been together now over 12 years, and in the first ten of those years we must have been on more than 80 different flights to various destinations. In…
Taking a Vaccication
As you may know, Rita and I came back from six years in Ecuador with the plan of setting up a home base in eastern Tennessee, and then starting out on a roving retirement lifestyle. We had planned to spend two to three months in a different country, then try out another, and so on…
Cucumber Gap Loop
Last week we had a chance to get in one more Smoky Mountains hike before the Labor Day Weekend crowds appeared. So Thursday we loaded up our packs and set out for Elkmont Campgrounds to hike the 5.5 mile “Cucumber Gap Loop Trail”. First, a word about those packs. On our last hike Rita took…
Abrams Falls Hike
There must be something about the last week of August that causes us to lace up the hiking boots. In 2019 on this week, we were hiking in the Galápagos. 2018 found us exploring Greenways and parks of Knoxville, and in 2017 we were finishing up explorations around Cusco in Perú and about to tackle the Inca…
Divided We Fall
I was idly scrolling through FaceBook the other day when I saw a post with what struck me as an uniquely American brag. A young woman proudly stated that she had just spent about two hours in a Target store brazenly unmasked, and had not been asked to leave. She saw this as some kind…
Oh My Darling Quarantine
Strange times we are living in. Many people, being forced to spend more time in their homes, are finding their lives completely disrupted. Some are responding better than others, and many couples are finding out things they may not have necessarily have wanted to know about their relationships. For my wife and I, perhaps the…
Better Living Through Chemistry
I would like to start by thanking all of those readers who responded about my previous post ‘Tis the Season. As you may imagine it was not an easy decision to make public such a personal post on depression. But after hearing from so many people who have similar problems and concerns but have been afraid…
Winter Strawberries
Rita and I recently returned to our home in Salinas on the southern Pacific Coast of Ecuador after our longest time away in the last five years. Between taking care of some business in the States, attending the International Living Boot Camp Conference in Santa Fe, and enjoying Thanksgiving with family, we were away from…