Category: Music

  • The Struggle is Real

    The Struggle is Real

    As we get ready to go into our fourth month of self-quarantine, at least there are some silver linings. We’ve expanded our morning walks to almost five miles, and we have developed a very efficient pantry and garage-shelf food storage system. With all of the time at home, Rita has started sorting and digitizing boxes…

  • Oh My Darling Quarantine

    Oh My Darling Quarantine

    Strange times we are living in. Many people, being forced to spend more time in their homes, are finding their lives completely disrupted. Some are responding better than others, and many couples are finding out things they may not have necessarily have wanted to know about their relationships. For my wife and I, perhaps the…

  • With our Music, Life Would Be a Mistake

    With our Music, Life Would Be a Mistake

    I don’t always title a blog post with a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, but I make an exception in this case. I want to take a break from the Galápagos Islands book I’m working on to write about a show that we attended at the Tennessee Theater on Thursday, March 12, 2020. I bring it…

  • Band Horror Stories – Auditions

    Band Horror Stories – Auditions

    I received a lot of emails after my post on the Queen movie and my reminisces on playing in local bands. Much to my surprise, people wanted more band stories. So here we go, by popular demand, a look back at one of the most dreaded events in any amateur musician’s life – that nerve-racking…

  • Queen and I

    Queen and I

    We’ve gone overboard on every album. But that’s Queen.– Freddie Mercury Back in the States now, we’ve been catching up on our streaming of series and movies. One of the first movies on the list, was the Oscar-nominated Bohemian Rhapsody. In case you’ve been living under a rock since the 70’s, the movie presents some of the…

  • 50 Years Ago on June 3rd – A Music Historical Event

    50 Years Ago on June 3rd – A Music Historical Event

    I wonder how many people know the significance of June 3rd in the world of popular music? And this year, 2016 is the 50th anniversary of this important event. Give up? June 3, 2016 will be 50 years since Billie Joe McAllistar jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. How many of you just heard a bunch of…